True&Natural eyebrow henna in capsules, 5pcs

€2.90 inc.VAT

Henna for coloring eyebrows in capsules. True&Natural henna is a high-quality, absolutely natural product that perfectly colors hairs and has a prolonged effect. In addition, henna has a caring and healing effect. The tool restores the structure and thickens the hair shaft, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, providing deep nutrition. The intensity of staining depends on the amount of water used for dilution, as well as on the exposure time. On average, the resulting color lasts about 1 month.

Henna palette for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes Henna True & Natural is presented in 6 shades.

Weight - 5pcs x 0,2g (appx.10 applications).


Cleanse hair with True&Natural Foam. Pour the contents of the capsule into a glass container and mix with water to dilute True and Natural henna in a ratio of 2:1. Strictly according to the desired shape of the eyebrows, apply a thin even layer of the composition. If necessary, you can apply another 2-3 layers after the previous layer has dried.

The exposure time until complete drying from the beginning of the moment of staining is 15-30 minutes.

Remove henna residue with a cotton pad, then rinse with water.
