Shop opening hours

at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

Hair brush OG Ceramic Black - Ion 45mm

€13.20 inc.VAT
€10.91 without VAT

Discover the new generation of the most advanced CERAMIC-Ion professional brush. A sleeker and lighter unique seamless design.

- High quality tourmaline restores hair balance, adds luster & shine.
- Smoothes hair. Faster and better styling, ceramic barrel which maximizes heat.
- Perfectly balanced
- Soft tip bristles gently on scalp.
- 100% seamless body, absolutely snag free.
- Ergonomic comfort grip.
- Retractable sectioning pick.

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