Shop opening hours

at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

EXTREME LOOK M-curl Eyelashes MIX

€17.50 inc.VAT

Ultra-soft and incredibly black lashes from EXTREME LOOK will help to create a feminine and attractive look. Easily removed from the tape, do not deform. There is absolutely no static in the fiber, so volume masters will appreciate the ease of forming clasters.

A kit of eyelashes of various lengths:

- 8-14mm (8,8,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,13,13,14,14).

Package - 18 rows.

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