Shop opening hours

at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

Dark Brown Lashes Twinkle MIX, NEICHA

€13.90 inc.VAT

A kit of brown elastic lashes of various length.

Package - 16 rows.

Conformity of curl to BL Lash:
A-, B-, C- Neicha;
J-, C-, D- BL Lash.
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Product description

Twinkle Brown Lashes from Korea. Eyelashes of high quality have intense brown color. Specially designed for more glossy and elastic look. Excellent extension effect due to lightness and naturalness. Have a perfect flexible curve. Eyelashes are of very high quality, extremely light and comfortable. Made of artificial materials of new generation.

Silk eyelashes Neicha are available in hard plastic boxes. Sort by 16 rows per package, on a sticky tape, for easy work with tweezers, thus sufficiently accelerating the extension procedure.

We offer lashes MIX:

- package - 16 rows;

- length 8-14mm:
 8mm - 2 rows;
 9mm - 3 rows;
10mm - 4 rows;
11mm - 3 rows;
12mm - 2 rows;
13mm - 1 row;
14mm - 1 row.
There are types of eyelash curve below:
A neicha-curve eyelashes.
Polished tip of lashes looks very natural!
Highlight the beauty of natural lashes.
B neicha-curve eyelashes.

The most popular lashes. They always look great!

C neicha-curve eyelashes.

This edition of eyelashes is not for everyone. However, when the customer wants a really strong curve, these eyelashes allow not use eyelash curling device.