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at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

Eyebrows Brush Lena Levi Nr.10

€19.00 inc.VAT
€15.70 without VAT

The rounded Lena Levi No10 brush with springy artificial bristles works perfectly with any texture. Wish this brush, you’ll have no trouble getting the most natural effect possible when coloring eyebrows with henna, ensuring a soft rounded shape at the base of the eyebrows. This brush is irreplaceable when applying highlighter or concealer under eyebrows.

Bristle length: 5mm.

Plate width: 6mm.

Brush length: 135mm.

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