Shop opening hours

at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

Colorless eyebrow Wax Pencil HennaEXPERT

€6.30 inc.VAT
€5.21 without VAT

Сolorless wax pencil from Henna EXPERT allows you to quickly and easily create the perfect brow styling, no matter where you are. The pencil evenly envelops the hairs, fixing the desired position, has a waterproof formula.

With its comfortable shape and waxy texture, this product keeps brows well shaped and groomed. In addition, it can be used as a primer to fix the color.

Easy to sharpen with a sharpener (not included).

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