Shop opening hours

at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

04.-06.05. - closed

Hair brush Olivia Garden iDetangle, Fine Hair

€11.30 inc.VAT
€9.34 without VAT

The new Olivia Garden iDetangle detangles both wet and dry hair. The curvy shape hugs the scalp for ultimate comfort.

The brush is well-ventilated with ergonomic handle. The flexible bristles on the brushes are suited for different hair types.

- For fine hair.

- Memory-Flex tension bristles. 

- Flexible vented design adjusts tension based on hair type.

- Dual-curve shape hugs the scalp for ultimate comfort.

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In Stock