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at Graudu 58, Riga:

30.04. - 10-17:00

01.05. closed

02.-03.05. - 10-17:00

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Mineral Solution BrowXenna, 50ml (10.2021.)

€17.90 €8.59 inc.VAT
€7.10 without VAT

Recommended to use before the specified date!

Mineral water is specially formulated to be mixed with henna. It has an impeccably pure composition and unique physical properties that promote high-quality interaction with the henna. BrowXenna mineral water does not contain any extraneous impurities, additives or metals, thereby making it not only safe, but also providing 100% results.

Volume  50ml.
Manufacturer - Lash&Brow.
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Product description

Mineral water is specially formulated to be mixed with henna. It has an impeccably pure composition and unique physical properties that promote high-quality interaction with the henna. BrowXenna mineral water does not contain any extraneous impurities, additives or metals, thereby making it not only safe, but also providing 100% results.

Instructions for use: Mix the henna in a metal container with 3-5 drops of Mineral Solution of high purity BrowXenna at a 2:1 ratio. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. If necessary, add water or henna to obtain a consistency similar to that of soy sauce. Allow the mixture to stand for 1 minute.

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